Monday, June 17, 2013

America's Most
Beautiful Bikeway

Dedication Ceremony
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Noon to 1 p.m.
Bikeway Trailhead
Kahle Drive at US 50, Stateline, NV

The first section of the 3.2 mile bike path that connects Round Hill Pines Beach with Stateline along the South Shore of Lake Tahoe is complete, spinning the spokes toward the next phase of an eventual system of trails to circumnavigate Lake Tahoe.

To mark the occasion, you are invited to a dedication ceremony for America's Most Beautiful Bikeway - South Demonstration Project. Thursday, June 20th, join us from noon to 1 p.m. at the trail head on the lake side of Hwy 50 at Kahle Dr.

The bikeway is open to cyclists and pedestrians and is compliant with the Disabilities Act. Come out and enjoy a ride or stroll to Nevada Beach.

The project benefits include safer biking and walking opportunities to complement the lifestyle of "America's Best Lake" (USA Today, Aug. 2012); and positive environmental benefits through improved air quality and lake clarity through reductions in auto emissions and vehicle miles traveled.

For more information visit or call 775.589.5500.

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